News — moisture

Hygral Fatigue

Posted by adele a on

Hygral Fatigue and How to Prevent It   We all know that moisture plays an important role in hair growth. It makes the hair elastic which reduces breakage and also makes it less prone to tangles. These are key factors in retaining length as your hair grows. However, like everything else in life, too much moisture in the hair is not a good thing. It leads to what is referred to as hygral fatigue or in simpler terms, moisture overload. So, What Exactly is Hygral Fatigue? Hygral fatigue is a state where your hair cuticle is damaged after being exposed...

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Hair trimming....When and how?!

Posted by adele a on

Why Should I trim and how often?? This is an age old question in the natural hair world!  At the risk of sounding like a hippie... I actually trim with the moon cycles.  I go by the farmers almanac. FYI the dates this month are June1st, 23rd, 24th, 28th and 29th. Anyhoo here's the mainstream way of doing things! Why do we trim our ends?  The ends are the oldest part of the hair so they tend to get funky: split ends or dry ends etc.  The damage at the ends can continue up and then you will have more...

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