News — coconut oil
Aloe Vera For Natural Hair
Posted by adele a on
Aloe Vera is a great humectant for natural hair. A humectant helps create a protective layer on your curls to help with moisture retention. Used properly, aloe can also provide a light hold for hair, help with scalp issues like dandruff and itch and also strengthen hair. Works well for high porosity hair. Aloe: anti-inflammatory actions that may help reduce scalp irritation moisturizing effect enzyme and fatty acid help reduce inflammation vitamins C, E, B-12, folic acid, and choline can help nourish and strengthen hair Since all good things have their limits aloe has a few drawbacks. Aloe is best...
11 Ways To Make Your Natural Hair Your Crowning Glory!
Posted by adele a on
Hair trimming....When and how?!
Posted by adele a on
Why Should I trim and how often?? This is an age old question in the natural hair world! At the risk of sounding like a hippie... I actually trim with the moon cycles. I go by the farmers almanac. FYI the dates this month are June1st, 23rd, 24th, 28th and 29th. Anyhoo here's the mainstream way of doing things! Why do we trim our ends? The ends are the oldest part of the hair so they tend to get funky: split ends or dry ends etc. The damage at the ends can continue up and then you will have more...